If we would like to have the ability to use a date field in Visualforce without relying on a salesforce or custom object then we can acheive this by using <apex:inputtext>. Below is the code snippet
Visualforce Page:
Visualforce Page:
<apex:page controller="inputTextDemo" id="mypage">
<span class="dateInput dateOnlyInput">
<apex:inputText id="inputFieldId" size="12" value="{!DateStringProperty}" style="width:72px;text-align:center;" onclick="DatePicker.pickDate(false, this, false);" onfocus="DatePicker.pickDate(false, this, false);"/>
Controller: public class inputTextDemo{
// String Property which is bind to <apex:inputtext>
public String DateStringProperty{get;set;}
public inputTextDemo(){
// Populating field value by today date.
DateStringProperty = Date.Today().format(); // Populating field value by today date.
public void insertDateMethod(){
Custom_Object__c obj = new Custom_Object__c();
// Since value is string and Date field does not take string value so we need to parse this string as Date
obj.DateField__c = Date.parse(DateStringProperty);
insert obj;
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